About SA-GEO

The South African Group on Earth Observations (SA-GEO) is a forum which aims to mobilise the South African observations communities to advocate the use of Earth observations for societal benefit. 

SA-GEO also aims to encourage collaboration, data sharing and the operational use of earth observations in South Africa.

For more information click here

The Role of SA-GEO

One of the challenges which face decision makers at all levels, is easy and timely access to current and reliable information in a format that they can use and upon which they can base informed sound decisions.

Earth observations data obtained from satellites, aircraft and surface-based systems and innovatively processed, provide the required decision support information. Modern information and communications technology allows this information to reach decision makers timeously. It is also recognised that one dataset serves many applications, and many datasets provide information for a single decision. In South Africa these datasets are collected, processed, disseminated, and used by many Government departments, state agencies, parastatals, academia, NGOs and private industry.

SA-GEO is a voluntary community of local Earth observations users and suppliers. It is established around self-organising Communities of Practice (CoP’s) which are based on but not limited to the nine GEO societal benefit areas.

SA-GEO Snapshot
  • SA-GEO is one of South Africa’s responses to GEO
  • SA-GEO is a voluntary community of South African Earth Observers
  • SA-GEO is organised around Communities of Practice (CoPs)
  • SA-GEO CoPs are self-organising with the support of a Secretariat
  • SA-GEO will encourage SAs contributions to GEO tasks and to building GEOSS
SA-GEO Objectives
  • To advocate the use of Earth Observations in decision-making
  • To mobilise a co-ordinated Earth observations community
  • To establish the Earth observations community’s user needs
  • To encourage use of the SAEOSS Portal
  • To advocate free and open access to Earth observations data
  • To provide a collaboration area for the SA-GEO Communities of Practice
SA-GEO Activities
  • Promoting coordination and integration of existing observations systems.
  • Identifying user needs, gaps in data, meta data and products, and advocating for them to be addressed.
  • Exploiting opportunities for synergy and cost-savings between systems, by promoting, amongst other things, interoperability standards for Earth observations information interchange.
  • Promoting access (free and open) to Earth observations data.
  • Advocating that information needs of users are met, in the form that they require, when they need it and at an affordable cost.
  • Advocating for long-term research and development in Earth observations to bridge the gap between science and societal benefit.
  • Linking to complementary capabilities in neighbouring countries and coordinating South African participation and inputs in AfriGEO and GEO, among other bodies.
  • Publicising the role of Earth observations systems in sustainable development and the necessity for continued investments.

Click on a community to view it or use the dropdown of actions next to each item.

What is happening in our forum

Advancing Earth Observations for Climate Adaptation: SA's Role in GEO

The 2024 GEO Symposium and Open Data & Open Knowledge (ODOK) Workshop took place from 23–26 September in Hangzhou, China, marking a critical moment for the global Earth observation (EO) community.

Advancing Space at the 2024 Space Power Symposium and AAD Show

The National Earth Observations and Space Secretariat (NEOSS) made a significant impact at the 12th edition of the Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) Show, held at Air Force Base Waterkloof in Centurion from 17 to 22 September 2

National Space Conference 2024: A Bold Step Towards a Sustainable Future

The National Space Conference (NSC) 2024, hosted at the CSIR International Convention Centre from 28 to 30 August, marked a pivotal moment in South Africa's mission to leverage space science and technology for sustainable development.

NEOSS hosts the Communities of Practice (CoP) integrated workshop

The National Earth Observations and Space Secretariat (NEOSS) hosted Communities of Practice (CoPs) Integrated Workshop, with the theme "Earth Observations to address environmental and social challenges” on 30 May 2023, in Tshwan

3rd National Space Conference (NSC) 2025

Event start date
Event end date

The third National Space Conference (NSC) is scheduled to be held at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Tshwane, South Africa, from 20 – 22 August 2025.

The AfriGEO Symposium 2024

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Event end date
Earth Intelligence for Africa

2nd National Space Conference (NSC) 2024

Event start date
Event end date
Space Science and Innovation for sustainability

CoP Integrated Workshop and Capacity Building Training

Event start date
Event end date
Empowering National Uptake: Leveraging Earth Observation Data and Knowledge
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