Past Events

2nd National Space Conference (NSC) 2024

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Space Science and Innovation for sustainability

The AfriGEO Symposium 2024

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Earth Intelligence for Africa

CoP Integrated Workshop and Capacity Building Training

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Empowering National Uptake: Leveraging Earth Observation Data and Knowledge

Earth Observations Stakeholder Workshop

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Unlocking Earth Observation Opportunities for Development

GEO Week & Ministerial Summit

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The Earth is talking and it's time to listen.

7th AfriGEO Symposium

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Earth Observations for Africa's Prosperity

1st National Space Conference

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Space for Inclusive Growth

CoP Integrated Workshop

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Earth Observations to address societal and environmental challenges

NEOSS Management Committee meeting (Participation by invitation only)

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Management and hosting of NEOSS

SA-GEO, SA-GSN and SA-GSC Communities of Practice (CoP) Meetings

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To discuss the Implementation of the CoP strategy, initiatives and activities for the year and any other priorities for consideration.